Saturday, May 3, 2008

The first post!

Hey everybody!  I'm glad to have this chance to publish my thoughts on things that may (or may not) be of interest to families, churches, ministry and helping professionals, or the general blog reading public!
As an Apostolic Pentecostal believer, husband, father, youth pastor and social worker (as of Aug. 2nd '08!) I am interested in all that affects Christian belief, life, and practice in the world today.  I understand that there is much for families and churches to be mindful and considerate of when it comes to distinguishing between truth and error, maintaining the integrity of what we know is biblical and right, and creating an environment that is safe for our children and youth. There is also the great commission to reach out to every nation and every generation, share the saving knowledge of New Testament salvation, and ease the suffering of many in the present world.
It would seem difficult to maintain the balance that is necessary to be "in the world, but not of the world."  BUT WE CAN AND MUST DO JUST THAT!  In fact, there has never been so great an opportunity to make an eternal difference in the lives of others.  Whether you are a man, woman, boy or girl; no matter how old or young you are; if you are a professional or not, educated or not, qualified or not; in Christ, YOU CAN!
If you have found this blog, I hope you continue to come back to it often.  God bless you!

Glen Gaugh   

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