Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's time to catch fire!

We had an amazing watch service last night at Beech Bluff UPC, ushering in the new year with singing, preaching, prayer and praise. Many of the things that you would expect to find at a New Year's Eve service were present, but there were some things that are not expected, at least any where other than Beech Bluff.

Each of our four pastoral staff members preached for 15-20 minutes. Pastor Howard wrapped up the preaching by emphasizing the importance of prayer as we enter a new year of service to the Kingdom of God. Then we entered a time of prayer minutes before midnight.

After a time of prayer, we entered praise and worship to God for His help in 2009. As we worshiped, the Holy Ghost spoke through the gifts of the Spirit. He admonished us to get passionate for Him and His work. While we have true doctrine, anointed preaching, and demonstrative worship, it will be the passion of the Holy Ghost resident in us and exuded from us that will set us apart and draw people to us and toward Christ. He promised through John the Baptist that He would baptize us with Holy Ghost and FIRE. The fire burns and purges us, and gives us the power to make an impact in this world. It is also what will call us up from this earth at Christ's return.

The last thing I have to worry about is a young person, adult, or couple that is passionate and ON FIRE for God and His work. While we must have preaching, teaching, and Bible knowledge to know right from wrong, it is an individual's passion to please Jesus that really keeps him or her in prayer, repented, renewed, and ready for God's will.

I expressed last night that 2009 is going to find me communicating God's vision in as many ways as I can, which is why I write this blog. After the miraculous word of God we received on the dawn of the new year, I am also going to spend less time worrying about our youth and more time praying for them to get passionate for Jesus and His work in their lives. I want to demonstrate passion and speak passionately so I can play a role in transmitting to others the joy of being passionate for God and His Kingdom!

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