Genesis 11:4: And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
At the time in history that this passage of scripture describes, all the people of the world were gathered in one place, with one language, and one leader; one prevailing system of thought that wasn’t good- Man can be his own god and do his own thing.
The view is given by the ancient Jewish historian Josephus that, being located in time rather close to the Great Flood, this civilization thought they could build a tower that reached all the way to heaven, so that if another flood ever came, everyone could avoid it and shake their fists at God Himself for thinking he could destroy them again! The tower was the first of many that would be built over centuries by the Sumerians, who used the towers as places of ritualistic, human sacrifice. Either way, the people were full of all knowledge except the knowledge of God.
Daniel 12:4 tells us that at the time of the end “knowledge shall be increased.” It is not to be believed that knowledge is evil and that gaining knowledge is a vain pursuit; however, it is evident over time that man’s knowledge and the search for it has led many to believe that knowledge has done away with God, or has even become God itself.
At a period of time known for its wealth of information and knowledge, called the Renaissance, most maps showed that the world was flat, rather than the sphere that we all know that it is today. Whether Columbus was the first person to discover the roundness of the earth or not, his exploration certainly brought Europe’s attention to the fact that no one was going to fall over the edge of the planet once they disappeared over the horizon. It is told that Columbus got his inspiration from the scripture in Isaiah that proclaims God to sit upon the circle of the earth. How amazing that the knowledge of God would have such an impact on the knowledge of the physical world! More amazing still is the lack of the knowledge of God that corresponded with the mainstream ignorance about the shape of the earth we live upon.
Modern technology, bringing to our fingertips instant and constant information, has created a world that is practically void of horizons. Anything that anyone could ever desire is within sight and within grasp, and if it cannot be found instantly or electronically, it must not exist! There are no more frontiers, nothing left to learn, or nothing undiscovered that would not soon be discovered.
And, in the world’s eyes, there is certainly nothing that we must know that we can learn from God! Like the people of Babel, who for all their knowledge was unable to recognize that they were smaller than Almighty God; like the Europeans of the Renaissance that, for all of the enlightenment they were obtaining, were still certain that at the end of the sky was a chasm to fall into; the world today goes on about life, better informed and better equipped than any previous generation, and yet less aware of the existence, future judgment, or the present love of Jesus Christ.
The world is becoming flat again- with all that there is to learn, do not forget that there are some things that only God can show us, hidden behind a horizon that will not drop you off into coldness and darkness, but will deposit you into the loving arms of the Savior- Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thanks go out to...
This week, we were blessed to have the men and women of the various churches that attended the Impartation Fellowship in Jackson, come to do outreach at Turning Point for Men and to deliver food baskets to families that are served by the East Jackson Community Outreach.
Turning Point was blessed by 12 Apostolic, Spirit-filled men who came to pray and testify to our residents. The men were there for at least an hour, and prayed throughout the entire house and across the entire property. The prayer was that every man who crosses the threshold of the home would feel the presence of God and realize that they are only ther for a temporary stay- for God will lift them up and establish their steps! A testimony service was held on the top floor of the home, with the residents hearing words of encouragement from other men who God had saved out of drugs, alcohol, fornication, and life on the streets. It truly was an upper room experience that flowed to the outside of the home, where God's help and protection were proclaimed on the sidewolk and in the yard of the home.
A van-load of Apostolic ladies delivered baskets for 4 families in need in the East Jackson community. They had the opportunity to minister and witness to these families while showing the love and compassion that God has toward all people, regardless of the state of their lives or economic status.
The ministry of Turning Point and East Jackson Community Outreach have been revitalized by the efforts of these men and women. We look forward to continued fellowship and evangelism together for the sake of the residents of East Jackson! Special thanks to Pastor Eric Price and his committee; Minister Terrell, Greater Vision's Outreach Director; and Sister Chanda Freeman, Outreach Coordinator for the Impartation Fellowship.
Turning Point was blessed by 12 Apostolic, Spirit-filled men who came to pray and testify to our residents. The men were there for at least an hour, and prayed throughout the entire house and across the entire property. The prayer was that every man who crosses the threshold of the home would feel the presence of God and realize that they are only ther for a temporary stay- for God will lift them up and establish their steps! A testimony service was held on the top floor of the home, with the residents hearing words of encouragement from other men who God had saved out of drugs, alcohol, fornication, and life on the streets. It truly was an upper room experience that flowed to the outside of the home, where God's help and protection were proclaimed on the sidewolk and in the yard of the home.
A van-load of Apostolic ladies delivered baskets for 4 families in need in the East Jackson community. They had the opportunity to minister and witness to these families while showing the love and compassion that God has toward all people, regardless of the state of their lives or economic status.
The ministry of Turning Point and East Jackson Community Outreach have been revitalized by the efforts of these men and women. We look forward to continued fellowship and evangelism together for the sake of the residents of East Jackson! Special thanks to Pastor Eric Price and his committee; Minister Terrell, Greater Vision's Outreach Director; and Sister Chanda Freeman, Outreach Coordinator for the Impartation Fellowship.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Team Development pt.1
I'm typing this from printed notes, the computer file for which I lost many hard drive/flashdrive crashes ago. So It will be done in two parts...
There are four premises to work from when considering the practical reasons for team ministry:
1. There is a church full of people,
2. Each of which is a distinct member of the body of Christ.
3. Personal and church grow are prime goals,
4. And no single one of us can do all the work.
Eph. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
Team ministry has two unique dynamics that make it a meaningful and worthwhile process to take part in.
Cooperation between people and ministries is a benefit of the teamwork process. A common mission can be worked toward by diverse people and groups in unique and complementary ways. Cooperation is necessary when more than one person cares deeply about a cause. Shared thinking offers diverse solutions. Shared effort multiplies the amount of work that can be done. Shared results offer the opportunity for mutual benefits and an impact on this world that far exceeds what any individual can attain. In the words of John Maxwell, "One is too small a number for greatness."
Synergy is a quality of team ministry that refers to the effect of a team's efforts being greater than the sum of the individual's combined efforts. In synergy, there are the practices of augmentation and delegation. The members of a team each are able to augment the strengths of the other members by bringing their own gifts and talents to the mission. Delegation divides the required tasks between group members based on the strengths and availability of each member. In spite of the mathematical wisdom, adding the right people to the team actually multiplies results!
Determining the right people will be the subject of the next post.
There are four premises to work from when considering the practical reasons for team ministry:
1. There is a church full of people,
2. Each of which is a distinct member of the body of Christ.
3. Personal and church grow are prime goals,
4. And no single one of us can do all the work.
Eph. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
Team ministry has two unique dynamics that make it a meaningful and worthwhile process to take part in.
Cooperation between people and ministries is a benefit of the teamwork process. A common mission can be worked toward by diverse people and groups in unique and complementary ways. Cooperation is necessary when more than one person cares deeply about a cause. Shared thinking offers diverse solutions. Shared effort multiplies the amount of work that can be done. Shared results offer the opportunity for mutual benefits and an impact on this world that far exceeds what any individual can attain. In the words of John Maxwell, "One is too small a number for greatness."
Synergy is a quality of team ministry that refers to the effect of a team's efforts being greater than the sum of the individual's combined efforts. In synergy, there are the practices of augmentation and delegation. The members of a team each are able to augment the strengths of the other members by bringing their own gifts and talents to the mission. Delegation divides the required tasks between group members based on the strengths and availability of each member. In spite of the mathematical wisdom, adding the right people to the team actually multiplies results!
Determining the right people will be the subject of the next post.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Notes from a class I'm teaching on Acts 5
Acts Chapter 5- The Sovereignty of God in 3 Acts
In today’s study of the book of Acts, chapter 5, we will see the sovereignty of God, demonstrated through his people, unfold in a drama composed of 3 acts. The first act demonstrates the ABSOLUTE sovereignty of God over His creation. The second act demonstrates the DELEGATED sovereignty of God, which He loans to His people. The third act demonstrates the ASCRIBED sovereignty of God that resonates from the heart of the Spirit-filled believer toward God.
I. Absolute Sovereignty
a. Acts 5:1-11- Ananias and Sapphira attempt to deceive the church, but anger God instead.
b. Was God’s treatment of them just? Did the punishment fit the crime? It matters not, for God is completely SOVEREIGN over all creation!
c. So why? Why did God kill Ananias and Sapphira?
i. It was His choice.
ii. It was an example to the church.
iii. It is a reminder that all sin is first and foremost an offense to God, though we also wrong others in the process.
II. Delegated Sovereignty
a. Acts 5:12-16- The apostles work miracles among the people, winning a great number of souls.
b. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” John 14:12. We see the fulfillment of this promise in these verses.
c. The working of miracles through mankind is a delegation of God’s supreme authority to intervene in the natural course of events.
III. Ascribed Sovereignty
a. Acts 5:17-42- The apostles stand firm under the oppression of the Counsel.
b. “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29
c. There were no miracles worked, but the lives and actions of the apostles spoke loudly enough that the counsel determined nothing could be done to stop these men, not even taking their lives. (Consider Genesis 11:6).
In today’s study of the book of Acts, chapter 5, we will see the sovereignty of God, demonstrated through his people, unfold in a drama composed of 3 acts. The first act demonstrates the ABSOLUTE sovereignty of God over His creation. The second act demonstrates the DELEGATED sovereignty of God, which He loans to His people. The third act demonstrates the ASCRIBED sovereignty of God that resonates from the heart of the Spirit-filled believer toward God.
I. Absolute Sovereignty
a. Acts 5:1-11- Ananias and Sapphira attempt to deceive the church, but anger God instead.
b. Was God’s treatment of them just? Did the punishment fit the crime? It matters not, for God is completely SOVEREIGN over all creation!
c. So why? Why did God kill Ananias and Sapphira?
i. It was His choice.
ii. It was an example to the church.
iii. It is a reminder that all sin is first and foremost an offense to God, though we also wrong others in the process.
II. Delegated Sovereignty
a. Acts 5:12-16- The apostles work miracles among the people, winning a great number of souls.
b. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” John 14:12. We see the fulfillment of this promise in these verses.
c. The working of miracles through mankind is a delegation of God’s supreme authority to intervene in the natural course of events.
III. Ascribed Sovereignty
a. Acts 5:17-42- The apostles stand firm under the oppression of the Counsel.
b. “We ought to obey God rather than men.” Acts 5:29
c. There were no miracles worked, but the lives and actions of the apostles spoke loudly enough that the counsel determined nothing could be done to stop these men, not even taking their lives. (Consider Genesis 11:6).
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Revolution of the Church
REVOLUTION- Revolution of the Church
Revolution- Completion, rotation, a turning
“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise…” Eph. 5:15
The command to walk circumspectly means to walk diligently, perfectly, exactly, or accurately. It is a REVOLUTIONARY look at life and living it for God to the fullest.
To break the word into it’s root parts, circum- indicates “around”, a circle, -spect indicates to look or examine. In other words, live life literally looking completely around, fully understanding, prudently, wisely.
In these days, the church must be ever more circumspect. Pitfalls await the church that is looking only in the direction of creating numbers, dollars, buildings, or anything else that, in and of itself, is less than God’s plan and will for His body in these last days. Compromise is one of the greatest pitfalls, and it is witnessed in many sectors of Christianity every day. The church CAN be and MUST be built on practices and principles that are rooted in the Word of God and sound doctrine! What simply “works” is not enough, and when closely examined, only works to bring about a result that is unbiblical and undesirable to Jesus Christ. The church can determine what really works, not by going along with the example set by other Christian or even secular organizations, but by praying and practicing the Word of God and relying on the Spirit of God, as the church at Antioch did (Acts 13:1-3).
A body of believers that is built of members that have learned to walk circumspectly is in a better position to do the work of the Lord than one that is made of members that have not been taught, equipped, and ministered to. That is why Beech Bluff has focused the first half of 2009 building strong individuals and families, which are the backbone of a healthy church.
“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some [is]; but exhorting [one another]: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25
“One is too small a number to achieve greatness.” John Maxwell’s Law of Significance, The 17 Indispensible Laws of Teamwork
The Body of Christ is one, with individual, particular members. It is the duty of every church to disciple believers “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12). (See my blog on building teamwork in the church.)
Jesus spoke of His church before it was ever known as the church when He said, “…and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,” (Matthew 16:18). He said this because it would be built upon the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets, and He Himself would be the chief Cornerstone.
Beyond this fact, however, it is OUR duty and great responsibility to see that the Church carries the Gospel to every creature, nation, tribe, and tongue! What an awesome responsibility this cross we carry entails! I want to perform that work with all my heart, with the Spirit of God in me, and with the Body of Christ around me, until the Lord comes!
Revolution- Completion, rotation, a turning
“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise…” Eph. 5:15
The command to walk circumspectly means to walk diligently, perfectly, exactly, or accurately. It is a REVOLUTIONARY look at life and living it for God to the fullest.
To break the word into it’s root parts, circum- indicates “around”, a circle, -spect indicates to look or examine. In other words, live life literally looking completely around, fully understanding, prudently, wisely.
In these days, the church must be ever more circumspect. Pitfalls await the church that is looking only in the direction of creating numbers, dollars, buildings, or anything else that, in and of itself, is less than God’s plan and will for His body in these last days. Compromise is one of the greatest pitfalls, and it is witnessed in many sectors of Christianity every day. The church CAN be and MUST be built on practices and principles that are rooted in the Word of God and sound doctrine! What simply “works” is not enough, and when closely examined, only works to bring about a result that is unbiblical and undesirable to Jesus Christ. The church can determine what really works, not by going along with the example set by other Christian or even secular organizations, but by praying and practicing the Word of God and relying on the Spirit of God, as the church at Antioch did (Acts 13:1-3).
A body of believers that is built of members that have learned to walk circumspectly is in a better position to do the work of the Lord than one that is made of members that have not been taught, equipped, and ministered to. That is why Beech Bluff has focused the first half of 2009 building strong individuals and families, which are the backbone of a healthy church.
“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some [is]; but exhorting [one another]: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25
“One is too small a number to achieve greatness.” John Maxwell’s Law of Significance, The 17 Indispensible Laws of Teamwork
The Body of Christ is one, with individual, particular members. It is the duty of every church to disciple believers “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Eph. 4:12). (See my blog on building teamwork in the church.)
Jesus spoke of His church before it was ever known as the church when He said, “…and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,” (Matthew 16:18). He said this because it would be built upon the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets, and He Himself would be the chief Cornerstone.
Beyond this fact, however, it is OUR duty and great responsibility to see that the Church carries the Gospel to every creature, nation, tribe, and tongue! What an awesome responsibility this cross we carry entails! I want to perform that work with all my heart, with the Spirit of God in me, and with the Body of Christ around me, until the Lord comes!
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