Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Team Development pt.1

I'm typing this from printed notes, the computer file for which I lost many hard drive/flashdrive crashes ago. So It will be done in two parts...

There are four premises to work from when considering the practical reasons for team ministry:
1. There is a church full of people,
2. Each of which is a distinct member of the body of Christ.
3. Personal and church grow are prime goals,
4. And no single one of us can do all the work.

Eph. 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.

Team ministry has two unique dynamics that make it a meaningful and worthwhile process to take part in.

Cooperation between people and ministries is a benefit of the teamwork process. A common mission can be worked toward by diverse people and groups in unique and complementary ways. Cooperation is necessary when more than one person cares deeply about a cause. Shared thinking offers diverse solutions. Shared effort multiplies the amount of work that can be done. Shared results offer the opportunity for mutual benefits and an impact on this world that far exceeds what any individual can attain. In the words of John Maxwell, "One is too small a number for greatness."

Synergy is a quality of team ministry that refers to the effect of a team's efforts being greater than the sum of the individual's combined efforts. In synergy, there are the practices of augmentation and delegation. The members of a team each are able to augment the strengths of the other members by bringing their own gifts and talents to the mission. Delegation divides the required tasks between group members based on the strengths and availability of each member. In spite of the mathematical wisdom, adding the right people to the team actually multiplies results!

Determining the right people will be the subject of the next post.

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