Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thanks go out to...

This week, we were blessed to have the men and women of the various churches that attended the Impartation Fellowship in Jackson, come to do outreach at Turning Point for Men and to deliver food baskets to families that are served by the East Jackson Community Outreach.

Turning Point was blessed by 12 Apostolic, Spirit-filled men who came to pray and testify to our residents. The men were there for at least an hour, and prayed throughout the entire house and across the entire property. The prayer was that every man who crosses the threshold of the home would feel the presence of God and realize that they are only ther for a temporary stay- for God will lift them up and establish their steps! A testimony service was held on the top floor of the home, with the residents hearing words of encouragement from other men who God had saved out of drugs, alcohol, fornication, and life on the streets. It truly was an upper room experience that flowed to the outside of the home, where God's help and protection were proclaimed on the sidewolk and in the yard of the home.

A van-load of Apostolic ladies delivered baskets for 4 families in need in the East Jackson community. They had the opportunity to minister and witness to these families while showing the love and compassion that God has toward all people, regardless of the state of their lives or economic status.

The ministry of Turning Point and East Jackson Community Outreach have been revitalized by the efforts of these men and women. We look forward to continued fellowship and evangelism together for the sake of the residents of East Jackson! Special thanks to Pastor Eric Price and his committee; Minister Terrell, Greater Vision's Outreach Director; and Sister Chanda Freeman, Outreach Coordinator for the Impartation Fellowship.

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