Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nourished Up in the Lord

Ephesians 6:4- And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

“Bring up”- 1) to nourish up to maturity, to nourish, 2) to nurture, bring up

The scripture commands parents to nourish their children up to maturity. 
What are some of the challenges to nourishing up children today?  In times past?  How have the challenges affected you as a parent or someone with parents?

“Nurture”- 1) instruction which aims at increasing virtue, 2) chastisement, chastening

Nurture refers to a child’s education in virtue and correction for wrongdoing.  What are things that only a parent can teach to his/her children?  What have you learned from your parents that only they could teach?

“Admonition”- admonition, exhortation

Admonition includes words that are spoken to encourage and build up.  What are words that really encourage you?  What can you say daily to your children or others that would build up and encourage them?

“…in the nurture and admonition of the Lord…”

“In” may also be translated “with” “by” or “among”.  This makes it clear that nurture and admonition comes from the Lord and is needed to raise Godly, successful children.  Modern or fashionable parenting methods will not work in the world we live in today. 

If your parents did not nourish you up in the Lord, or if you have not brought up your children to fear God, it is not too late.  As we pray, share with a neighbor what God is leading you to do to change the course of your family’s future.

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