Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Weekly Dispatch, 11/22/10

This is the text of a weekly email i have started sending to the employees on my crisis team at Youth Villages.  I'll be glad to send it to you weekly as well if you can forward me an email address or friend me on Facebook and request it.  Not everything will be original, but I endeavor to put my own thoughts into it (I already realize how hard it is going to be to do this every week, but whatever I put out will be properly attributed and exceedingly encouraging! )

Defining Moments                   "... the choice you make, makes you." Coach John Wooden

We've all had defining moments in our lives.  It’s what we do with them that counts.

- REFLECT on defining moments of the past: Successes and failures of the past provide some of the most valuable life lessons.  It is a mistake to neglect reflection.  Reflection requires time we often can't seem to find in our daily lives.  Journaling allows for organizing thoughts on past events, what occurred, your thoughts about it, and lessons learned from it. 

- PREPARE for defining moments of the future: Day dreaming is also something neglected in daily life, but possibility thinking is important for making tomorrow better than today.  I had the chance to do this as I was driving back from a call last week.  Our hard work in our personal, family, social, professional, spiritual lives finds worth and gains new traction when we can picture the end result and enjoy it ahead of time.

- MAKE the most of defining moments in the present: When we reflect on the past and prepare for the future, we are better able to recognize and capitalize on opportunities in the present.  As people who dedicate our lives to making a difference, the present is where the rubber meets the road and positive change occurs.  That's true for our clients, our families, and ourselves.

Understanding that we are made, as individuals, through a series of these defining moments can make even the most negative and painful periods of life have meaning and value. 

(The preceding points are based on Chapter 3, "Defining Moments Define your Leadership", of John Maxwell's book, Leadership Gold.  The comments are mine.)

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